A unique process, experienced consultants, high-quality service.
Talentor’s solution for senior management recruitment
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Talentor’s assessment is a high-quality psychological multi-method assessment process
Advertised Search Hiring a new employee is one of the most far-reaching and significant decisions in an organization. We handle the multi-step advertised recruitment process professionally, quickly and flexibly. Our operating model starts from understanding the customer’s strategic goals, business and mission statements. Talentor is responsible for project management and the entire process. We do the groundwork for customer interviews and successful selection decisions.
The climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions is a significant challenge in both domestic and international energy markets. Fossil fuels continue to dominate global energy production, but the utilization of renewable energy sources has grown significantly in recent years.In 2023, approximately 85% of electricity produced in Finland was emissions-free, with approximately 55% coming from renewable energy sources. The energy industry employs around 26,000 people in Finland, and its investments in various projects amounted to approximately 2.5 billion euros.Talentor has extensive experience in the energy sector and a broad network of contacts among industry professionals. We are more than willing to serve as a recruitment partner for companies in the energy sector.
Talentor is a seasoned partner in executive search for IT professionals. For over 18 years, we have assisted our clients in finding software developers, system architects, testers, project managers, development managers, program managers, cybersecurity experts, and executives through direct search methods.
The Finnish financial markets have become more international than ever before. There has been a lot of integration between different Finnish banks and insurance companies in the last few years.Talentor has gained extensive industry knowledge and wide networks among the best candidates in the field of banking and insurance industry.
As of 2021, the Finnish Game Industry has continued to experience growth, with the industry generating a revenue of 3.3 billion euros, representing an increase of 37.5% compared to 2015. Over the last decade, the Game Industry has cemented its position as one of the most significant export industries in Finland, with 95% of the production directed towards exports.
The main objective of the Industry of Planning and Consulting Services is to develop competitive advantage and growth of the Finnish society. During the year 2016 the total revenue of the Planning and Consulting Services Industry grew 9 % compared to the year before.We offer innovative recruiting solutions for Executive and Professional Search for the Industry of Planning and Consulting Services.
The industrial organizations need to internalize the modern technology into the customer oriented products and production processes in order to survive in the competitive markets. Due to the climate change the industrial organizations are expected to provide more environmental friendly and sustainable solutions.We connect our clients with innovative business leaders and corporate functional experts with innovative recruiting solutions.
Talentor has been helping Health Care organizations for over 18 years in Finland. We help our clients to acquire the best talents from the fields of medical care, medical equipment, pharma, consumer health, biotech and other health care areas.
The field of FMCG is one of the most significant industries in Finland. FMCG is characterized with sensitivity for economic trends as the growth of the industry has been decelerated. Due to the massive technological transformation, there have been several changes in the industry of FMCG.Talentor helps its clients drive business in the continuously changing environment, by winning the right talent to meet evolving client needs.
Human Resources (HR) Management is an integral part of strategic leadership. HR leadership requires strategic vision, expertise, and the ability to anticipate changes in the operating environment in collaboration with business management. Effective HR management focuses on advancing elements that contribute to the competitiveness and success of the company.Talentor has extensive experience and strong candidate networks in the field of HR professionals.
The role of Chief Information Officers as the strategic enablers and transformers of business has been brought up to a central status through digitalization that affects all industries. Besides having technical substance knowledge, the information management leaders should understand the significance of business and the role of staff in utilizing technology.
The juridical service markets are in a significant stage of breakthrough. Clients are seeking for better business skills, holistic consultation and more efficient use of technology from juridical counselors. Traditional service providers have to radically renew their business models in order to respond to the pressure to change.
The development of digitalization and marketing is strongly visible in today’s marketing in Finland. There is a strong shift from traditional print advertising to digital marketing utilizing a broad channel network. However, the Finnish digital marketing is still behind other Nordic countries; in 2015 the Finnish digital marketing accounted for 286 million euros, whereas the amount of Swedish digital marketing accounted for 1.37 billion euros altogether, which is almost 5 times more than in Finland.
Successful sales management requires anticipating and observing changes in client needs and consuming patterns. Digitalization and the transfer of information to web enable easier gathering of client data and comparison of products.Talentor has over 15 years of experience in recruiting sales directors to the needs of different organizations.
A successful company must invest in good organizational leadership culture, create workable company structures, build modern control systems, commit and develop staff, manage financial resources and intensify processes. Strategy and business development guide a company towards success through a comprehensive analysis of business environment as well as identifying and developing one’s own core competences.
The future heads of finance have to be able to make more justified decisions utilizing new technology that have a direct effect on the company’s performance. Digitalization has transferred heads of finance and other finance experts to the modern era, since automated data processing has enabled real-time financial decision-making that is free of old reporting cycles.For already 15 years, Talentor has successfully worked as the recruiting partner for its clients in the recruitment of different financial experts.
According to studies, the most important features of future executive management will be the skills in communication and interpersonal interaction, negotiation and presentation as well as problem-solving. Integrity plays a key role in modern leadership practices as stakeholders require more and more functional transparency.Investing in the recruitment of executive management is one of the most important strategic decisions of a company. Talentor has, during its 15-year old history, successfully supported the executive management recruitment of its clients.
We help clients drive strategic change and business growth in several industries and functions in Finland.
Talentor is an international executive search company specialized in demanding recruitments.
Talentor’s professional principles
Talentor consultants have vast experience on recruitment and personal assessment
Talentor on vaativiin rekrytointeihin erikoistunut kansainvälinen konsulttiyritys[:en]Talentor is an international executive search company specialized in demanding recruitments.
Talentor has large clients from various industry sectors. We conduct them a high amount of searches in every year.
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Talentor Finland Oy
Aleksanterinkatu 15 B, 00100 Helsinki